
The MVLF course was my first deep dive into Maharishi’s knowledge. Little did I know then it would open up a beautiful new world of knowledge and experience.
— P.M. Australia

It helps to bring the knowledge from within to the surface. It gives very good confirmation. So good to see the development of the others. I love Maharishi’s videos. The whole thing is very enjoyable.

The MVLF course is interesting with deep experience and great presentations from all the enlightened CPs. The questions Raja-ji gives for discussion are always to the point.

MVLF course is a great opportunity to evolve in a very privileged setting and to dive into the knowledge of Vedic leadership. A unique experience of expansion of consciousness that I truly recommend.

Maharishi Vedic Leadership Forum offers a feast of Maharishi’s profound knowledge of Leadership in a practical, enjoyable way that definitely enlivens one’s Vedic Leadership qualities.
— N.M. Australia

I’ve never evolved quicker than during the time I’ve been connected to the MVLF program.

The MVLF course is wonderful, joyous and enriching. It opens vistas of fulfilment to the student.

Every aspect of both phases brought me great fulfilment and happiness which has come home with me and I am aware of the evolutionary changes growing in my attitudes, thinking, understanding of life and how I live it, and the levels of happiness and fulfilment that I am experiencing.. It feels as if my small “self” is “Coming Back Home” much more quickly. than ever before and recognises the rightness of the direction and is so glad to be doing so.

The course itself was great and I really appreciated the beautiful knowledge, I would like to do it again to absorb it even more. Raja John and Sarah did a great job in delivering it. The location was perfect, the climate is the best I’ve ever experienced anywhere in the world.
— J.S. Australia

Overall the course was supreme, the structure, the leaders, the opportunity to ask questions on connections with Raja and Maharaja and Bali NL, and the great outings and participatory teaching / learning style. The international group was great.
— R.A. Australia

Life changing experience with growth of purity, peace and total knowledge in ourselves.
— A.Y. Japan

Adventure Days were great and gave real opportunities for integration at a deep level.

It was so nice to continue to develop together. I loved the course last year and this year was even better!

In this course, everything was brought to the level of the heart - Amazing.

It was, for me, a confirmation of my feeling and connection towards nature and Unity Consciousness.