Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Core Course, known as Phase 1, is a prerequisite for the other courses. Once the Core Course is completed, participants can take each of the MVLF Advanced Courses in any order. Participants will watch the phase of Maharishi tapes on Vedic Leadership that is next in line after the Core Course.

  • If a participant completed the Core Course, then Phase 1 has been completed. The next series of tapes will be offered within every MVLF Advanced Course, bringing participants along in sequence with others in the same Phase group.

  • Previously they were four phases. Now all four phases have been combined into two phases. The first phase, previously known as the core course, remains the same and is now referred to as phase 1. Phase two of the MVLF course is made up of the phases 2, 3 and 4. This means this means You can complete the entire MVLF series in two phases. At Engelberg both those phases are offered and if possible it’s recommended that one takes the whole course at once.

  • Yes! The profundity of MVLF course is more on the level of experience when there is the opportunity to be exposed to the knowledge more than once. Every year we evolve and we are a new person and so the knowledge will be new and create a deeper level of experience of unity consciousness. Until you have done phase two, which now includes phase four, than you have not completed the training course. So it is important for you to attend phase 2 of the Engelberg course to complete the MVLF training.

  • We have the top European Sidha chefs preparing our locally sourced, organic food and you can be sure that there will be vegan options available for those who want it. The food on our courses are delicious.

  • It is vital for those who are attending the MVLF courses to first be recommended by and MVLF alumni. Second they will have done the Sidhis course and are familiar with it Maharishi is Vedic Science and Dr. Tony Nader‘s book Veda in Human Physiology. These are crucial prerequisites to ensure that the knowledge received on the course is meaningful and therefore powerful.

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